Thursday, 11 March 2010

Planning for filming

We have decided to change the amount of actors we use for many different reasons. The first one being that we have limited access to a lot of people (10 people) I have estimated that we can use about 5 or 6 actors/actresses. I also decided that it would be difficult to include a lot children because of parental constent so maybe decided that I wont have any or few child actors.

I also thought it would be useful to make a filming schedule so we don't become disorganised, I felt we had this disadvantage last year.
So to overcome this problem I thought it would be sensible to make a filming schedule of when to film and what to film.

I wanted to plan ahead so when I first thought of doing a music video, so in the summer holidays I began filming my nephew and neice playing and jumping around as this highlighted the meaning of the song of the difference between adulthood and childhood.

Me and lily thought it would be sensible to plan a day to film a great deal of the music video so we dedicated a whole afternoon to film a majority of the music video.

Tuesday, 23 February 2010

Media Evaluation

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:

Tuesday, 9 February 2010

Final magazine advert and CD cover

I have decided for these two images to be my CD cover, and my Magazine advert. I made this decision by looking at which one would be most successful and is most visually attractive, I also asked target audience and chose the one that got the most votes.