Wednesday, 5 August 2009


These are the following questions I asked my target audience.

Please tick the appropriate answer.

1. Which of the following music video do you enjoy the most?

- Abstract -Narrative - Live footage of the band - Imaganitive

2. Do you like animations in a music video?

- Yes - No - Some animation

3. What ages of people do you think should feature in my music video?

- All ages - Just teenagers -Adults - Younger children

4.Do you prefer to watch music videos featuring

- Males -Females -Both Genders

5. Do you think the actors in the music video should be wearing costumes?

- Yes -No

6.How many objects do you belive should be in the mise-en scene of the film?

- A lot -Fair amount - None

7. In your opinon what makes a music video interesting?


8. Do you think a music video changes your emotions at all? (e.g. sad or happy)

- Yes - No - Other _________

9. Do you like music video that are funny?

- Yes -No - Other __________

10. Do you think the visuals in the video should match the lyrics?

- Yes -No - Other________

Questionnaire Results

For question 1, 13 people the majority of people said they would enjoy an abstract music video. Which is good as this is was my number one choice to use in the video. 8 people said they would enjoy watching an music video which was imaginative, so I have decided that some aspects of the video will be imaginative.

For question 2, the vote was split down the middle of 12 people answering Yes to animation and 12 people No to animation and no one said yes to some animation, so I am still unsure about using animation.

In question 3, 11 people answered that they would prefer all ages in the video and this was the majority of people.I will go along with this decision as I feel having a wide range of ages in the video will attract more audience and will also match the visuals with the lyrics and how the title says 'time to pretend' meaning that all ages get to 'pretend'.

The question on gender 22 people answered both genders, this is the highest amount of people answered for one choice. So I will definitely try to have both genders in my video, although if I have my actors dressed in fancy dress then I don't believe it will be important which gender people will be as the audience wont notice if they are dressed in fancy dress.

For question 5, 15 people answered 'yes' to the actors wearing fancy dress and 9 answered 'no'. I believe using fancy dress will be the best thing to do and as such a high number of people answered 'yes' I think it would be a good idea.

The majority of people for question 6 answered a fair amount of objects in the mise-en-scene. I think this would be wise as having too many will become chaos and hard to look at, and having not enough may get boring.

For question 7 there was no choice, people had to put their own opinions down, mostly everyone said having something that would keep their attention and that something different makes a music video interesting, many included things like having a story to match with the song and other people said something completely unique would be a good idea. For example one person said 'something completely different, that isn't common in many videos. Something like thinking outside the box'. I will take this into consideration when planning my music video, as I feel it is important to listen to what the target audience is saying as they are the ones that are going to be watching it.

Question 8, a vast amount of people answered 'no' that music videos didn't change their emotions. I thought if a lot of people would answer 'yes' then I would try my hardest to make the video very happy.

In question 9, 19 people answered that they liked music videos that were funny. I think this is important as I will try my hardest to make the music video amusing but at the same time trying to give off the message that the song is.

In question 10, 20 of the target audience answered that the visuals featured in the music video should match the lyrics, I will aim to do this in my video however I will not do it on every lyric as I don't want to be too repetitive.